Lady in a Cafe in Spain living here on a non-lucrative visa

What Is The Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa?

This article is from our sister site Moving to Spain and is reproduced here with permission.

The Spain non-lucrative visa (NLV) is a long-term residency option for non-EU citizens who don’t plan to work in Spain. It is perfect for retiring to Spain as it requires passive income like pensions and investment income. For this reason, the NLV is often referred to as the Spanish retirement visa.

Spain non-lucrartive visa infographic

The Non-Lucrative Visa Spain Is Ideal If You Are:

  1. A non-EU/EEA citizen who wants to live in Spain.
  2. Retiring in Spain with a pension, annuity, investment income, or similar.
  3. Able to pay for your life in Spain without working.

Note: EU / EEA citizens don’t need a visa to live in Spain – there is a registration process for residency for any European citizen.

READ ALSO: Retire in Spain >> 2024 Visas, Health, Tax, Best Places & More

How Long Is The Non-Lucrative Visa Valid?

The initial visa is valid for one year. You can apply for two additional two-year renewals, so a total of five years. After five years, you can apply for Spanish permanent residency (which allows you to find work in Spain).

Note: There is sometimes confusion about the terms visa and residence permit. You have 90 days (3 months) from when the Consulte grants your visa to arrive in Spain. Once in Spain, your residence permit is valid for one year. You’ll need to apply for your TIE card and NIE once you are living in Spain.

2024 Financial Requirements For The Spain Non-Lucrative Visa

You must show sufficient worldwide income or sufficient funds without work income.

  • Primary Applicant > €28,800 annual income (400% x IPREM)
  • Each Dependent > €7,200 annual income (100% x IPREM)
Non-Lucrative Applicants2024 Minimum
Single Applicant€28,800
Applicant + 1 dependent€36,000
Applicant + 2 dependents€43,200
Applicant + 3 dependents€50,400
2024 NLV Financial Requirements

Note: The Spanish government uses a figure called IPREM to determine this requirement. The 2024 annual IPREM is €7,200 or €600 per month. The IPREM for 2024 has been carried over from 2023 as parliament has not approved a new figure. We do expect an increase when the budget is passed.

Acceptable Income For Your NLV Application

The Spanish Immigration Department accepts passive income for the application, so, income from sources other than work. The Consulate will be looking for stable, regular, verifiable income that exceeds the financial requirements. Common examples are:

  • Rental Income: Money earned from renting out property you own. This could be from real estate investments in your home country or elsewhere, provided you’re not actively involved in the property’s day-to-day management.
    • Example Evidence: Income statements from a property management company that handles your rental properties in the United States.
  • Investment Income: Earnings from investments, such as dividends from stocks, interest from bonds, or income from mutual funds. These should be investments where you’re not actively managing the day-to-day operations.
    • Example Evidence: Dividend payment statements paid out from a diversified stock portfolio.
  • Pension Income: Regular payments from retirement accounts or pension plans. This is considered passive because it’s based on previous employment and not contingent on current work.
    • Example Evidence: Monthly 401(k) or IRA retirement account payment statements.
  • Social Security Payments: Government-provided payments such as retirement benefits, disability income, or other Social Security benefits that are received regularly. So, you can use US Social Security payments for your non-lucrative visa application.
    • Example Evidence: Monthly Social Security retirement benefit statements from the US government.

Note: If you need to work after moving to Spain, you can change your immigration status. However, you must wait at least 12 months. So, after one year in Spain, you could apply for a Spanish Work Permit or Digital Nomad Visa.

Important: You’ll need to provide documentary evidence that your income qualifies. The exact documentation you need to show will depend on the income you are using to qualify.

“An example of the evidence, if it is a rental income, would be a copy of the property deed + rental agreement. If it is a pension, then the pension statement and bank statements may be necessary to show. We always have to submit documents regarding the origin of the income. These documents must be originals or correctly certified copies, depending on the documents and the Consulate.”

Raquel Moreno (LLB) – Spanish Non-Lucrative Expert Immigration Lawyer

Income That Will Be Rejected For A Non-Lucrative Visa Application

  1. Employment Income: Any money earned through employment, whether it’s from working for a company (either directly or remotely) or self-employment activities. The NLV is not intended for individuals who plan to work in Spain.
  2. Business Income: Earnings from actively managing a business or being self-employed, even if the business is operated remotely and not based in Spain.
  3. Temporary or One-Time Payments: Any income that is not regular or guaranteed, such as money earned from selling assets (e.g., stocks, real estate), gambling income, or one-time freelance gigs.

Can You Use Savings If You Don’t Have Income?

Our Spanish immigration Laywr partner advises yes, you can. However, you should have double the standard income requirement, so at least €60,000 in an account in your name. The bank account does not have to be Spanish, but this is preferable.

Does owning a home in Spain help an applicant? According to the rules, the short answer is no; it does not. However, this is another area where different consulates assess things in their own way. Some consulates take the reasonable view that owning a property in Spain that you intend to live in means you’ll need less money to live. And with a lower cost-of-living in Spain, it makes sense to require less income.

Other NLV Requirements

Qualifying Private Health Insurance

You’ll need medical insurance that meets 3 criteria.

  1. Comprehensive coverage without a co-payment.
  2. There are no waiting periods for any conditions beyond the start of your NLV residence permit.
  3. The insurance company issuing the policy must be registered in Spain and approved and authorized by the Spanish Immigration Service.

You can get non-lucrative visa-qualifying Spanish Healthcare quotes from our chosen insurers here. They even issue qualifying medical insurance policies in Spain for over 75s and clients with pre-existing conditions.

Additional Documentation

  • A police record that shows no disqualifying convictions.
  • A medical certificate to show you don’t have serious health issues. See the template below for a list of the issues that can impact you. Disqualifying conditions include serious infectious diseases managed by the WHO, drug addiction, and some severe mental illnesses.

Note: The Spanish consulate will only accept specific health insurance policies. The requirements for a non-lucrative visa application are very specific, and you must make sure that you meet those standards. The company must be registered with the government in Spain, the policy must be fully comprehensive without co-payments, and the coverage must be immediate without exclusions. You can read more in our guide to Health Insurance in Spain for Immigration.

Non-Lucrative Visa Spain Residency Requirement

There are two main NLV residency requirements that you should understand.

Update: In 2024, the High Court ruled that the residency requirement was unlawful as it was not specifically legislated. This means that you can maintain your permit without spending 183 days in Spain. As our immigration law expert confirms:

As of this ruling, visa holders do not have to follow the 6 months rule, so they can have the permit and not be tax residents!

Raquel Moreno (LLB) – Spanish Non-Lucrative Expert Immigration Lawyer

Warning: The Spanish government can appeal this decision or pass legislation reinstating the residency requirement at any time. We cannot guarantee that if this happens, your visa will be renewed with more than 183 days spent outside Spain.

Note: Prior to this ruling, you had to live in Spain for at least 183 days a year or just over six months. This duration in Spain can make you a Spanish tax resident. As a Spanish tax resident, you’ll pay personal income tax in Spain, called La Renta.

Note: To qualify for permanent residency (PR), you must spend ten months per year for five years in Spain.

How To Apply For Your Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa

We recommend using a Spanish Immigration Lawyer to ensure your application is approved. The application and documentation requirements are very specific, and rejections are common.

Important: You cannot apply in Spain. You must submit your application to the nearest Spanish consulate in your country of origin.

Documentation Required For Your Application:

“You should have all your documents ready for your application, but not too soon. Some documents can only be three months old when you put in your application. Also, some must be originals, and others can be copies but only with an Apostille certificate. Foriegn language documents must usually be translated into Spanish by an approved translator.”

Raquel Moreno – Spanish Non-Lucrative Expert Immigration Lawyer

Need Help with your Spain Visa or Residency?

Raquel and her team have helped over 600 of our clients with their visas, and we get fantastic feedback on their service. They offer a 30-minute consultation to confirm the best visa route for you, walk you through each step of the process, and answer any questions.

How Long Will The Application Take?

The Spanish consulate will process your application in 2 – 3 months. There is a second step to the application process. When you move to Spain, you must apply for your residence permit and TIE (residence card).

Remember: There are several factors in the time to process your application. The consulate, the time of year, and the workload are important and outside of your control. The biggest factor in your control is ensuring your application is correct and complete with all supporting documentation in order.

Can You Include Family Members On Your Application?

Yes, you can include family members in your non-lucrative visa application. Direct family members are eligible as long as you meet the income requirement. This option means you don’t have to make a separate family reunification application.

Note: Unmarried couples (and unregistered civil partners) must apply separately, each showing 400% of IPREM, regardless of how long they have lived together.

Spain Digital Nomad Visa vs. Non-Lucrative Visa Spain

The Spanish Digital Nomad Visa is an excellent option for non-EU citizens to work in Spain.

There are two significant differences between these two residency options.

  1. The Digital Nomad Visa allows professional activity for non-Spanish employers or clients.
  2. You can apply for a Digital Nomad visa while you are in Spain.

See more in our 2024 guide to Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa.

Note: Both visas are pathways to Spain permanent residency and Spanish citizenship.

Next Steps

Are you ready to get started on your Spanish adventure? Find out if you qualify and how to apply in a 30-minute call with our Spanish immigration law partner. They’ve helped hundreds of people worldwide secure their non-lucrative Spanish residency visa.

Non-Lucrative Visa Spain – FAQ

What is a non-lucrative visa in Spain?

A non-lucrative visa in Spain is a long-term residency option for non-EU citizens who do not plan to work in Spain. It allows non-EU/EEA to live in Spain as long as they are not working or earning active income. You’ll need to show you have enough passive income (pension, investment income, etc) to support yourself while in Spain.

Who is eligible for a non-lucrative visa in Spain?

Non-EU citizens who have sufficient financial means to support themselves and their dependents without working in Spain are eligible for a non-lucrative visa. Retirees to Spain with a stable pension, individuals with passive income, or those who can demonstrate sufficient savings are typically eligible.

How long is the non-lucrative visa valid?

The initial non-lucrative visa in Spain is typically valid for one year. However, it can be renewed for two additional two-year periods, totaling a maximum of five years. After five years, it is possible to apply for Spanish permanent residency.

What are the financial requirements for the non-lucrative visa in Spain in 2024?

To meet the financial requirements, the primary applicant must have an annual income of at least €28,800 (4 times the IPREM), and each dependent must have an annual income of €7,200 (1 times the IPREM). The IPREM figure for 2024 is €7,200 per year or €600 per month.

Can savings be used to meet the financial requirements?

Yes, savings can be used to meet the financial requirements for a non-lucrative visa in Spain. If you don’t have a regular income, you should have at least double the standard income requirement (€60,000) in a personal bank account. The bank account does not necessarily have to be in Spain.

Can I work in Spain with a non-lucrative visa?

The non-lucrative visa does not initially allow you to work in Spain. However, after residing in Spain for at least 12 months, you can change your immigration status and apply for a Spanish work permit or a Spanish Digital Nomad Visa if you wish to work in the country.

How do I apply for a non-lucrative visa in Spain?

To apply for a non-lucrative visa in Spain, you must submit your application to the nearest Spanish consulate in your country of origin. The application process requires specific documentation, including proof of income or savings, private health insurance, a medical certificate, a police clearance certificate, and a completed visa application form.

What income can I use for my Spain non-lucrative visa application?

Passive income that is regular, ongoing, and verifiable. This includes pensions, annuities, social security payments, investment income (rental income), and royalty payments. Unstable or on-off income sources (like gambling or asset sales), payment for work (salary, wage, commission, or fees), or business ownership income cannot be used.

What are common reasons for Spanish Non-Lucrative visa application rejections?

In our experience, there are three main reasons for rejection.
1) Insufficient qualifying passive income.
2) The Spanish Consulate can see you are working in the USA (or your home country) and believe you will work remotely from Spain. This can be from checking regular income on your bank statements.
3) You cannot get qualifying private health insurance in Spain.

Can I use US Social Security payments to qualify for a non-lucrative visa in Spain?

Yes, US Social Security payments meet the Spanish non-lucrative visa requirements of being passive, stable, and outgoing.


  1. Hi.
    We are a couple from Yerevan, Armenia. Both working in IT sphere remotely and we are interested in non-lucrative visa in Spain. By reading the information in your website I think we are eligible for this kind of visa (we have remote work and enough funds ). So there are a few questions I would like to ask:
    1. Is our country in a list of eligible countries?
    2. What other information can we provide in order to be sure that we are eligible?
    3. What kind of help does your company provide in this process and  what are your fees?
    4. Can you provide a reference to an official governmental resource to read about this kind of visa from an official source?

    Many thanks in advance,

    1. Hi Andranik, here is some information for you.
      1. Yes, nationals of any non-EU country can apply and Armenia qualifies.
      2. The exact documentation requirements depend on your situation. You must meet the financial requirements and how you prove this will depend on your source of income. You’ll need to show health insurance and get a health check. Finally, you’ll need a police clearance certificate. All documents must be translated into Spanish and all copies Apostilled. You must have everything 100% perfect and complete before you submit to avoid delays or rejection.
      3. We partner with a highly qualified and experience Spain Immigration partner. We offer a no-obligation 30-minute consultation for €50 to explore your options – click here to book now.
      4. Here is a link to the LA Embassy information page. Be aware, each embassy and consulate may have different requirements and that the requirements can change without notice. Using a good immigration lawyer will ensure that you understand exactly what is required and maximise your chances of success.

      1. Hi Alastair!

        I’m also interested in applying to this visa. I’m a Lebanese citizen and I will be working remotely starting August for a monthly basic salary of 2800$. I also have around 5000$ In cash that I can deposit whenever needed in my bank account.

        Am I considered qualified for this visa?
        Thank you!

        1. Hi Malak. We’ve just had an update (30/06/2021) from our legal partner in Spain. Applications with remote work evidence are being rejected at present, and we have requested and are awaiting clarification. We’ll be updating our articles today to reflect this change. You can checkout some other remote work visa options. Our partner has advised that for remote workers there is still the possibility for a Spain self-employed work visa depending on how the employment is structured. Regards, Alastair

          1. Hi Alastair,

            Many thanks for your reply. This helps a lot!

            My work contract is an international contract that allows me to work from any place of residence as long as I abide by the taxation policy of the country of residence. My contract, however, is for an international humanitarian organization so there are no investments being made (hence not sure if this qualifies me for a self employment visa).
            Thank you again for your help!

      2. We have a non lucrative visa and we own a house in Spain which we live in. Does the non lucrative visa permit us to buy a second property in Spain to rent out for short term lets? That does not take jobs away from locals, so does it count as economic/professional activity (not allowed) or as investment (allowed)?


  2. 1. Do you need an address in Spain first to apply for the non lucrative visa?
    2. Are savings in Premium bonds/savings account exempt from any tax implications if used to drip feed into a current bank account?
    3. Is there a maximum age limit to apply

    Thank you

    1. Hi Sally. Here are the answers to your questions.

      1) No, you can apply for the Spain non-lucrative visa from your home country.
      2) Your tax implications will be specific to your case. Once you are resident in Spain for more than 183 days per year then you may be liable for Spanish taxation in some cases. Best to seek specific advice for this.
      3) No, there is no maximum age limit as long as you meet all the visa requirements you are welcome to apply. In fact, many retirees use the non-lucrative visa as a Spain retirement visa.

      1. Hi there, I have had conflicting advice and need clarity please. I am.applying for the NLV and will be buying a place to live and 1 or 2 places to rent via air b and b. Does the rent class as passive income and therefore be acceptable under the NLV Rules? Also will i need to pay tax on this in Spain? We can prove enough income for the first year for the NLV requirements so hopefully this will be an enough to be accepted? Jo

        1. Hi Jo. If you home is worth more than €500,000 the Spanish Golden Visa may be a good option. Our NLV expert Immigraisotn Lawyer will be happy to assist with your application.

          Rental income should be considered in your application as it classifies as passive. Where you pay tax (and how much) will depend on your tax residency and status – if you have tax questions I’d suggest meeting with a Spanish tax expert – you can book a consultation with our partner, Daniel, here.

          All the best, Alastair

  3. Hi. Great summary. Much appreciated.

    We are a couple in the US that would eventually like to retire in another country (in about 10 years). We have narrowed it down to two: Spain and Portugal. We both are fluent in Spanish and get by with Portuguese. We’ve been in Spain on vacation and loved it, and we are planning to go to Portugal sometime soon.

    I am an IT software architect and have been working remotely for a US company way before work-at-home became prevalent here in the US given the COVID situation.

    But, before we settle in a country, we’d like to “try them out” first. We have been exploring the non-lucrative visa in Spain, and it will fit the bill as we have enough savings to cover the core requirements. But also I will need to continue working remotely while there. I understand that the remote-work aspect is a very gray area, but it is something we want to explore more. My wife will not work, although she may qualify as an English teacher.

    So, my three main questions are:

    1. Can I move around Spain and live for two or three months at a time in a particular area with this visa? The idea here is to try each region for a bit to see which one we may eventually settle in.

    2. Will Spain allow in the near future digital nomads like myself? Given the economic impact the COVID situation has caused, many countries are loosening the visa restrictions to allow people like myself work remotely. I understand that in Portugal they are seriously discussing this, and other countries have already implemented it (Barbados, Costa Rica, UAE, etc.). It makes sense as you are not taking jobs from local citizens but you are spending money there, helping with the economy.

    3. Our ancestors are from Spain (about 4 generations ago). I heard that Spain has a different set of rules for people that are from former Spanish colonies, and can “accelerate” the visa/residency process. Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks. Again, great article.

    Nelson & Jackie

    1. Hi Nelson and Jackie. Here are some general replies without knowing your circumstances fully. Your best bet would be to book a no-obligation consultation with our Spain immigration lawyer.
      1) Yes, you can move around Spain on a non-lucrative visa.
      2) Many European countries are moving to attract digital nomads, but Spain has not announced any concrete plans as yet.
      3) Spain has accelerated naturalization for citizens from ex-Spanish colonies. You can qualify in just 2 years if you come from one of the qualifying countries. See our Spain Citizenship page for more details.

      1. Will I have to pay taxes in country where remote work originated as well as taxes in Spain if on a non lucrative visa?

        1. Hi Fran. This is general information, and you should check your individual circumstances before making any decisions. Having said that, Spain has tax treaties with most countries. This means most people are not liable for double taxation, those tax-resident in Spain declare income in Spain and are taxed in Spain.

    1. The non-lucrative visa does not legally allow you to work. However, you can certainly study Spanish to allow you to qualify for another visa or permit if you want to work in Spain.

  4. HI! If I do not have a lot of savings in the bank, but can prove that I have reliable sources of monthly income such as social security, pension and annuity, with a total of more than $35,000 per annum, do I qualify to apply for the non-lucrative visa?

    1. Hi Maria. Yes, as long as you can meet the minimum amount for the non-lucrative visa (currently €25,816 per annum) you can apply. You don’t need savings if you can show a guaranteed income.

        1. Hi Chris. Yes, pension income is accepted (and very common). The non-lucrative visa requirement is that you live in Spain for more than 183 days per year, and this may make you tax-resident in Spain. However, you won’t be double-taxed as Spain has tax treaties to avoid this.

          1. Hi Alastair, thanks fot the useful info on your site.
            I have a question about the renewal of the NL residency. For the IPREM I would need around 52k Euros. I have a permanent income of around 19k Euros PA, would my financial requirements to renew be accepted if I had 38k Eu as income and the other money in the bank as savings? I can easily meet the requirements for my first year, but if I decide to buy a little place of my own this will affect how much is left in my savings. Does this make sense?

          2. Hi Jason. As you don’t meet the income requirement it will be best to chat to our Spain immigration partner to decide on the most effective way to frame your situation for the best chance of success. Regards, Alastair

  5. Hi, Alastair.

    We’ve both recently retired and we’d like to eventually retire to Spain. obviously since brexit we’ll need to apply for a Non-lucrative visa, and until my wife is eligible for her State Pension( June 2024) we just have my work pension, which is approximately €28.5k at the current exchange rate which I know is a little below the sum required for guaranteed income for a couple, but we also have savings exceeding £100k. so if I’m reading this correctly? The sums quoted are an either, or scenario, as in savings or income? Also would the fact that we already own the house (mortgage free) in Spain that we’d like to move to be taken into account as we’d have no mortgage/rent payments to impact on the guaranteed income side of things?

    Many thanks, Tim

      1. Hi Alistair,

        Thanks for your reply, I thought we had a reasonable case, but it’s nice to hear that you think so too, and when we’re ready to start the process, we’ll certainly look to follow your suggestion and take some professional advice before applying.

        Many thanks again,


  6. My wife and I, both US citizens, are considering the purchase of a second home in the Canary Islands. However, we are concerned about becoming tax-residents of Spain. Because we are retired, our “income” is from pensions, public and employer-based, and from savings, IRA’s and other investment accounts. For our “income”, the tax rates in Spain appear to be higher than in the US, particularly when you take into account that our IRA funds are not taxed until withdrawn. Does Spain tax dividends and interest in IRA’s? Does Spain tax pensions, both public and private? Thanks.

    1. Hi William. The Canary Islands are an amazing retirement destination. We can’t give specific taxation advice,. I’d strongly suggest speaking to a qualified professional to understand how your personal circumstances will impact your financial postiion.

  7. Hi there,

    I have considered a non-lucrative visa for my planned relocation to Spain within the next few years, but having read this, I don’t think it’s right for me. Currently I’m freelance and my clients need to pay in GBP into a UK bank account (so autonomo probably won’t work for me). I’m worried about the legalities of using a UK address and bank account to earn money while being resident in Spain, and which type of visa I need.

    I have an alternative option: I have been offered a job with a UK company (working remotely). I suspect it would be easier for the employer to pay me into a UK account, but then that creates the same worry as above – having a UK bank account and not being resident in the UK. And again, I don’t think a non-lucrative visa would be the best option for this.

      1. Hello Alistair, my daughter is a resident home owner in Spain along with my two granddaughters. I’m 50 is there any way that I can be classed as a dependant or be a primary carer ?
        Kind regards

        1. Yes, there is a provision for dependent family members that you may be able to use. It would be worth exploring your options with a qualified professional. You can chat to our Spain immigration partner if that would be useful for you.

  8. I am a UK citizen came to Spain in November. I know I can stay 90 days from Jan 1st with Brexit but now that I am here and the situation is what it is in the UK and with travelling etc I would like to apply for the non lucrative visa. I have the funds, I could get the insurance policy but from what I have read it seems the only way to apply is if you are in the UK. Is there a way around this as even if I went back to the UK now I couldn’t travel to any embassy or consulate to apply. Or is there an alternative option now that I am in Spain? The residency option seems quite complicated and not such a good alternative for potentially only a one year stay.

    1. Hello,

      I am considering taking a year away from life in the USA to spend a year in Spain. I am 31 and would be leaving my current job as a math teacher.

      I know I need the 28k, but I have heard differing things on how long I need to have that money in my account. I currently ha e the needed money in a brokerage account, and was planning on selling stocks to get myself up to the 28k needed about a month before applying. Will this work?

      1. Hi Andy. The Spanish immigraiotn serive are looking to see that you can support yourself for the duration of your stay. For this reason the NLV application should show steady passive income, not just savings to the iPREM level. All the best, Alastair

  9. Hi does this non-lucrative visa allow you to come back and forward in and out of uk? I am a Live-In Carer I work 2wks in Uk then home to Spain for 2wks

    1. Hi Louise. You can indeed move freely on the non-lucrative visa. However, you cannot legally work on this particular Spain visa.

  10. Great article. many thanks.
    I was looking at a non-lucrative visa however I feel my circumstances may be complicated.
    I work for a UK company and will be working remotely. I earn around 60k a year but some solicitors have said I can include this as income and others have said no.
    I have a house in the UK and will be renting that when I move to Spain.
    I do have a criminal record that they class as serious, although at the time of conviction, this was not an offence in Spain although I believe it is now.

    My questions are as follows.

    1) Can I use my income as I will be working remotely, I intend to move to Murcia

    2) How can I prove rental income as I won’t be receiving the income until I rent the house out which will be when I move and visa will need to be in place by this time. Will a rental agreement be sufficient?

    3) Will my criminal record automatically mean I will be rejected. I was convicted in 2012

    Many thanks

  11. Hi. Thanks for sharing the information. I live in the Netherlands and my parents are from non-EU country. Now they can only stay with me for 3 months every half an year. We are exploring the options to get them EU residence permits and eventually live with me in the Netherlands. If they are able to get this non-lucrative visa, do they have to live in Spain for 183 days for the first year? And how many days each year do they have to live there after the first year? Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi Lexie. To renew your non-lucrative visa you need to have spent 183 days per year in Spain. The visa is valid for 1 year and is then renewable for two x two-year extensions. This gives you the five years you need to apply for Spanish permanent residency.

  12. Hello Alastair. Not only you’re very clear with the information, but your availability to keep answering doubts here in the comments section really impressed me. Thanks for all of that.
    I’ll be completely frank to you with my doubts, plan and situation and any advice you can give me will be very handy.
    I’m 33 years old, I have a small passive income generated by rented properties (definitely below the 4x iprem rule) but with the practice of saving and investing throughout my life, which granted me today a liquid amount in bank savings of more than 2 years of the requested by Spanish authorities for this kind of Visa.
    My plan: I’d like to apply (no doubts about the first request of the visa – I think I’m able to get it), live in Spain in a very frugal manner, in a way that I can manage myself with the short income of my rented properties and go on that way until I’m able to request citizenship (I can count with the shorter time benefits for requesting it, for ibero american citizens).
    My doubts finally are:
    1) do you think I would be able to renew my visa by showing my savings (or showing the same savings again, once that I would be showing the same “frozen” account I would had shown in the first time I would apply for this visa, but of course in a updated – and probably a little incremented in total amount value – document), even if the history of my Spanish bank account have a (much) lower traffic than the 4x iprem rule?
    2) once that my yearly earnings are low, and considering that I’ll be taxed for it in my home country, would I need to also proof to be ok with Spanish taxation during the renewal? Is there an amount of yearly generated money that is exempt of taxation in Spain? Do you know if by filling taxation in my home country, can I avoid the necessity of filling to taxation also in Spain?
    Thank you very much for any possible advice. Sorry for writing this much and hope to see your thoughts. My compliments,

    1. Hi Jose. Where your circumstances don’t fit the exact requirements we strongly suggest talking to a qualified immigration specialist for the best advice. OUr Where Can I Live partner for Spain has a great track record with successful non-lucrative applications. Book a consultation here: Again, this is a general comment, but the renewal of the visa is sometimes simpler than the primary application because Spain has already accepted your position – so, make sure you are 100% prepared and covered for your primary application and you should have a smooth renewal process.

      Taxation can be tricky so this is advice not specific to your situation. To renew your non-lucrative visa you must live in Spain for more than 183 days in a year, and generally, this makes you a resident in Spain for taxation. Be aware, this is general advice and you’ll need to discuss your exact personal circumstances with a taxation specialist. However, Spain has excellent tax treaties, and so the vast majority of people are not subject to double taxation, even if they have to submit a tax return in both countries.

      Good luck with your application and we hope to welcome you to Spain soon.

      1. Thank you very much! As I get closer to the time I wish to apply, I’ll surely look after specialized help and orientation. Your comments are important for keeping me with hope. Wish you all the best

  13. Can i apply for the Visa once im in spain? Im English, currently living in France and intend to move to spain in about 10 days or so. Im hoping i can apply for this in Spain as i going back to the UK right now is going to be slightly difficult

    1. Hi Sam. You cannot apply for a non-lucrative visa from Spain. You have to make the application from your home country before moving to Spain. However, if you are resident in France, you may be able to apply from the Spanish Consulate or Embassy in France which means you won’t have to return to the UK. I suggest you book a consultation with our Spain immigration experts to find out how best to proceed to give you the best chance of success.

  14. Hi, Myself and my partner have British passports but have permanent residency in Malta.
    Can we apply for residencia using this as it is EU to EU country or do we have to start again and get the non-lucrative visa?

    1. Hi Alison. In general, as a non-Eu citizen, you’ll need a residency or visa specific to the EU country you want to live in. However, it would be worth discussing your situation with an immigration expert to see if there is any advantage with your Mata residency that can help you. Book a consultation here. Good luck with your move.

  15. Good afternoon, could you please tell me what the financial requirements would be after the 5 years period staying in Spain on a non-lucrative visa? I am considering applying, I would have access to the required funds in a joint bank account, is this permitted? My husband also has a company pension, but I do not have an income of my own,until I have my (state) pension in 5 years time.My husband would not want to take up residency, but would join me in Spain for periods of up to 90 days, as he is allowed to do. So, would I have to keep showing the required amount in the bank after the 5 years, when I applied for permanent residency? , or does this requirement end then. Many thanks for the information.

      1. Thank you for your reply. Could I ask another question, please? When I qualify for my state pension, if I have been resident for over 5 years, can I then pay into the Spanish health care system, or must I continue having a private policy? Thank you for your most helpful information.

        1. In general, you need to be a Spanish national or paying social security to be eligible for state healthcare. So, if you went direct from a non-lucrative visa to PR and didn’t work and pay social security, you’d need to have Expat health insurance. If you took Spanish citizenship when you qualified after 10 years, you would then be entitled to healthcare.

  16. Hello Alistair.

    I am considering applying for a non lucrative visa and have several queries.

    1. If I have the visa and stay over 183 days and classed as a resident and under the Spanish tax system. Would the tax I pay in the UK be still payable in the UK due to the double taxation rule.

    2. If I have an annual travel insurance purchased in the UK which covers me for 90 days per visit (I will visit the UK just within the 90 days to reset the qualifying period) and the new GHIC card which covers me in Spain is the requirement for Spanish insurance still applicable.

    3. If I sell my home in the UK, which would be free of all tax implications, would it be liable to Spanish taxation. Again would the double taxation rules apply.

    4. If, after a year I decide to work in Spain and pay into the system both in tax and insurance, how long would it take to be covered by the Spanish health and social systems.

    Thanks and regards.


    1. Hi Bob. I can only give advice that is general in nature. I am not a qualified tax consultant and so you need to check your specific situation.
      1) Spain and the UK have a taxation treaty and so, in general, you are not taxed twice on any income.
      2) Travel insurance will not be accepted. You’ll need comprehensive health cover in Spain. Check out our article on Expat health insurance.
      3) Again, you should seek advice specific to your situation. In general, the UK/Spain taxation treaty avoids double taxation.
      4) Once you or your employer are paying social security on your behalf you may be eligible for Spanish health and social programs. Be aware, not all visa and residency permits are eligible for these programs. To get a better idea of the best pathway for your situation it would be best to talk to a local immigration expert. You can book a consultation here.

  17. Hi my partner and I are looking at applying for the non-lucrative visa I just have a few questions before we book a consultation please:
    1) how long is the application process in consideration of the covid pandemic?
    2) we will be applying based on savings in the bank, how long do we need to have had the money in the bank for, to apply?
    3) to renew the visa after the first year (I understand it’s double the savings amount) how long does that need to be in the bank to apply?
    4) what are the fees for applying for the visa from the Uk including lawyers fees (just roughly is fine)
    Thank you

    1. Hi Karen

      Approval times vary at the moment, but 2 – 4 months is not unusual. For your financial requirements and fees, it will depend on your circumstances so the consultation will clear up those questions.

      The consultation has no obligations and we are confident in the value and quality of our partner. Indeed, if you aren’t happy we offer a 100% money-back guarantee on the consultation.

  18. Hi

    My wife and are both 70, we have a joint pension income after uk tax of €29,500 with cash in the bank of €268,000 , we would be looking to buy once in Spain.
    Would we qualify for Spanish Non Lucrative Visa

    1. Hi Alan. Although your joint pension comes in just under the recommended level, your savings are considerable. I’d suggest having a chat with our Spain Immigraiton lawyer to find out the best way forward for you. There is no obligation, and a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not happy with the service.

  19. I am applying for a non-lucrative Visa and would like to switch to a work visa after a year. Do the same conditions for this visa apply ie job must have been offered to Spanish/EU citizen first, or would I be classed as a resident? Thanks!

    1. Hi Lily. Yes, you can freely change from a non-lucrative visa to a Spain work visa after the first year. However, you’ll still be subject to the standard work permit conditions. Not all jobs and not all work visas have an EU-citizen first ruling. Check out the link above for more details on your options. Alternatively, book a no-obligation consultation with our Spain immigration lawyer.

  20. I’m looking to move to Spain from the Uk in the next few years, however I’m not of retirement age so would need some form of income. I’m hoping to buy a property in Spain and be able to rent out rooms in the property for holiday rentals, would I be able to do this on a non lucrative visa?

      1. Could I ask a clarification point? If we purchase a property which could eventually be run as a B&B, could we spend the first year renovating it and then apply for a work visa after one year? Also, there would be three adults (couple and mother), so would all of us need to convert to a work visa or only the main worker member of the family? Additional point of clarification, one of us would still like to do overseas consulting work (physically going to work outside the EU, not remote consulting). Would that be allowable under the NLV? TYIA.

        1. Hi Mark. Yes, you can apply to move from a non-lucrative visa after the first year. Check out your Spain work permit options here. Who needs to change residence status will depend on how you run the business and who is considered to be working for the business and paid by the business. The spouse and parent of a successful work permit applicant would be eligible for a Spain family reunification visa as you’ve lived in Spain for a year already. For the last point, I would advise clarifying with a Spain immigration lawyer as remote work is not 100% clear in the legislation and the specifics will make a difference.

  21. Hi, I’m only on the state pension of £184.71 per week (£9,604) per year.
    I have £ 285,000 in the bank. I want to purchase a house in Spain and know that I can only stay there for 90 days maximum (180 days per year?).
    What are my chances please.
    Thank you.

    Norman Collis

  22. Hi, As a married UK couple can one of us apply for the non lucrative visa with the other classed as a dependent? We meet the threshold for funds from rental properties in the UK. My questions are:
    With the double taxation agreement does this mean we wouldn’t pay income tax in Spain as we would continue paying this tax in the UK?
    Would we be taxed on worldwide assets in Spain? We have a property portfolio in the UK & are concerned about this, we would be living in our house in Andulcia.

    1. Hi Claire. Yes, you can include your spouse under your visa. Taxation is very dependant on your specific circumstances and we advise speaking to a trustworthy tax specialist before making decisions – this advice is general in nature. In general, as a tax resident of Spain, all your global income may be liable to be taxed in Spain. And, in general, taxation treaties mean that this income will not be double-taxed so paying tax in Spain means not being liable to pay tax in the UK.

  23. After 5 years can you continue with a non lucrative visa if you don’t want to take residency. If you take residency do you have to pay taxes in Spain.

    1. Hi Peter. Yes, as long as you qualify, you can renew your non lucrative residency permit. On tax, this is general advice and you should check your personal situation with a taxation specialist. You need to live in Spain for 183 days of the year to qualify for a renewal of your residency permit. This can make you a tax resident of Spain in many cases. So, you may be liable to pay tax in Spain anyway. Happily, Spain taxation treaties to ensure you are not liable for double taxation.

  24. Hi Alastair,
    I’m an Indian is it fine if i show funds(threshold requirement) in savings account of my Home country,is it mandatory to show any proof of income as i do not have any income at this point of time

    1. Hi Eshwar. The Spanish government wants proof you can support yourself. In general, that is done by showing an income. However, if you have extensive savings that clearly will be more than enough to live on for the life of the visa, then it is possible to be accepted. However, it is certainly not as straight forward as showing steady income.

  25. Hi Alistar,

    If I have referral income for clients I have referred to a company in the past and that company will give me a referral fee if any of them convert is that allowed? will that be considered active income or passive income?

  26. Can Algerian with enough founds apply for the Visa-Non-Lucrative?
    Do I need to be physically in Spain to apply?
    To what Spanish institution is this application going to be sent?
    How can I verify that you are accredited to send this application on my behalf?

    1. Hi.
      1) Yes, there are no restricted nationalities.
      2) You cannot apply in Spain, you must apply at your nearest embassy or consulate.
      3) The Spanish immigration service will manage your application through the consulate/embassy.
      4) Our Spanish legal partner is a full certified member. They will work with you to ensure you get the best outcome. Our initial consultation is 100% refundable if you are not happy with the service.

  27. Hi Alistair,
    We are a married couple with savings of £40,000 in the bank, my uk state pension doesn’t start until July this year but we do own our house in the uk that we rent out for another £500 per month, will we be eligible for a non lucrative visa if we apply now.
    Thank you

    1. Hi. The £500 per month is under the limit, but with the savings and your future pension, you’ll more than cover the requirements. As to the best timings for your application, it would be best to chat with Spanish immigration lawyer to agree on an effective strategy.

  28. Hello,
    a question regarding the 183 days required to be spend in Spain during the year to be able to renew it. Is it necessary to be there physically or just to have an home address in Spain for more than 183 days?
    Thanks – Regards,

    1. Hi Miki. The ruling is that you are present in Spain. If you maintain a home address and pay taxes in Spain that is the key. If your application had any issues you don’t want any reasons for it to be rejected. Given that you have free movement through the SCHENGEN area you’ll have no immigration records as long as you stay within the zone.

  29. Hi Alistair
    I have recently taken out residency in Spain and my fiancee would like to join me. She has over £100k in savings but is currently not working. The plan would be to apply for this visa and spend at least 183 days in Spain but would like to work in the UK for a four month period. Would this be allowed under the terms of the visa?
    Also, would she be able to travel to other schengen countries and, if so, would she be limited to the 90/180 day rule? If she had a UK-registered vehicle with her would it need to be matriculated onto Spanish plates under these circumstances and would she need to exchange her UK driving licence for a Spanish one as I have? Regards, Paul

  30. Alastair

    Does the 2nd/3rd year requirement of 8 x IPREM have to be evidenced that you have the sum at the time of application or can a guaranteed pension x2 ie a pension sum covering the two years be acceptable.


  31. Hi Alastair,
    I’m originally from Hong Kong, been living abroad 30 years, presently living in France since 2010. I intend to continue living in France with my French PR, at the same time spending times in Spain while my son studies university in Barcelona from September 2022. The Spanish non-lucrative visa is a great chance for me to open up future living long term in Spain. Financially I meet all the requirements but still have a few questions:

    1) Instead of applying for Student Visa, my son can actually benefit if I apply him as my dependent of the non-lucrative visa. After living / studying for 5 years, not only myself, he will also be eligible to apply for his own Spanish PR. Am I correct?

    2) In my case, planing to live in/out between France and Spain, how can I prove myself living 183+ days in Spain since there is no specific immigration check each time when I go through EU countries. Any advice how should I prove?

    3) Since I am presently living in France, how can WHERECANI.LIVE helps if I need lawyer assisting my application?

    I appreciate your advice. Thank you.

    1. Hi Cecelia

      1) yes, your son can study in Spain as a dependent on your non-lucrative visa and qualify for PR after 5 years.
      2) As long as you have accommodation in Spain, and register in Spain for tax residency that should be sufficient for the renewal. It would be worth exploring this with your lawyer to clarify the requirement 100% for your circumstances.
      3) Our Spain immigration law partner will be happy to assist you remotely. They’ll be able to give you the best way for you and your son to live and study in Spain.

  32. I plan to continue my children’s UK education through online schools based in UK, will this be accepted as full time education for the renewal process after 12 months.

    1. Hi David. You should check the UK school details with your immigration lawyer to ensure that the registration will be accepted.

  33. Hi Alastair – myself and my wife are both planning to apply for the non-lucrative visa.

    1) Can the application be made for 2 people as a couple on 1 application or do we need to each complete an application..??

    2) If we both have to complete an application can we both use details of a joint bank account in both our names and also a pension fund in my name as proof of income – as my wife would be classed as my dependent…?? i.e. would I have to prove approx 25,000 euro income and my wife approx 7,000 euro income as a dependent….?? Or would we both have to prove we have approx 32,000 euro on both individual applications which could be from a joint bank account and my pension fund…??

    3) Once we move and buy a property we are planning on living in Spain so becoming tax resident, etc. Is it better to take any tax free lump sums from any pensions held in the UK before becoming tax resident in Spain. Or if using a flexible income draw down from a pension fund after becoming tax resident is the tax not affected too much anyway due to the double taxation deal….??

    4) The application for the non-lucrative visa states proof of income in a bank account, etc, for 6 months prior to application…?? Could this be shown by having the applicable funds in a pension fund which has held this amount for 6 months…?? And this proof of pension fund be used for both myself and my wife’s applications…??

    Any advice on these points much appreciated.

    Thank you –


    1. Hi Richard.

      1) You can apply as a couple, or as an individual with a dependent. Best to have an immigration lawyer assess your situation to see which path has the best chance of success.
      2) It is very hard to give any reasonable taxation or financial planning advice without an overview of your entire financial situation, sorry!
      3) The pension fund’s income should be sufficient evidence. The main thing is to present an application that, in totality, shows you are capable of supporting yourself for the duration of the visa.

      All the best,

  34. Hi Alastair – thank you for the reply.

    As a loose time-frame when should we actually send in our application to the Spanish consulate in the UK….??

    Do we need to have 6 months of sufficient income shown in a bank account or held in savings prior to first applying or is this presentable to the consulate at the time of the interview….??

    Or do we send in all supporting documentation at the time of the non-lucrative visa application, including proof of income and proof of medical insurance and criminal record check….?? Are these all sent at time of initial application…??

    It’s just that with some of the documents only valid within 90 days – is that 90 days of planned travel to Spain or valid within 90 days of application…??

    Many thanks –


    1. Hi Rich. You’d best discuss this with an Immigration lawyer to ensure all your timings work out. Depending on the embassy or consultant, processing times can differ.

  35. We are a retired couple and for the last five years been travelling Europe, if we commit to the visa and 183days in Spain will I have to relinquish my UK driving license and convert our Motorhome to Spanish plates or is that only after the five years

  36. Hi – very interested in the Spanish non-lucrative visa for myself and partner. We own a house in Spain already. Our current retirement income is low as from early pensions – about £14,000 PA but we have savings of £130,000 [and could also sell a property in the UK for more] we are 55 and 60. Expecting further pensions later too.
    A Yes or a NO??

    1. Probably a yes, but you’ll need to check on the best way to manage the application. Your home in Spain doesn’t count towards the income or investment levels if you are living in it. If you get rental income from the properties, that could help. Our Spain immigration lawyer partner will be able to advise on the best approach for you.

  37. Hi Alastair, if I am living in Spain with the NLV and I decided to open a local business say a cake shop and myself will be working there (I have many years of work experience in F&B), my understanding is that I could apply for a modification of residence permit to an self-employed one (Autonomo), and I would have to write a business plan and show sufficient funds to run the business. My question is, in your experience, is that a difficult process? how long does it take? have you had any clients in similar situation and succeed? Lastly, do I have to wait until after the first renewal of NLV before applying for the change of residence? Will I have to renew the autonomo residence every year? Thank you very much!

    1. Hi, Henry. With your experience and the assistance of a good immigration lawyer, you should be fine to qualify for the self-employed work visa. Approval times vary and depend on the completeness of the application as well as where the application is submitted. You can’t apply for a change of status until after the first year of the non-lucrative. Your immigration lawyer will be best placed to advise on the optimum timings for gathering documentation and submitting the application. The renewal is annual, and sufficient funding and business progress are the normal renewal requirements.

  38. Hi Alastair,

    1. If my current company give me a freelance project after I resigned from my country. Within the first year of non-lucrative visa, any recommendations how I can get this income?

    2. Do you help client to apply for a Spain work permit visa after first year of non lucrative as a self-employed individual? What’s the minimum budget I need?

    3. Can I work in other countries while I’m holding a non lucrative visa? Eg: let say a project that I need to travel to other EU countries to work? Would this be possible?

    1. Hi. Remote work and freelance work is a grey area for the non-lucrative and you should discuss your best options with a good Spanish immigration lawyer.

      You can apply to switch from a non-lucrative visa to any work visa after one year. Yes, our Spain immigration law partner can assist – please click here for more information.

  39. Hello. Well written article. Thank you for that. However, I think you might have a typographic error in one of your sentences on remote work. Here is the sentence: “There is no provision for remote work in the legislation, but it does fit the intent of the legislation.” Did you mean to say “…but is does NOT fit the intent of the legislation.”??

    1. The non-lucrative visa encourages people who can support themselves (without taking a job from someone in the Spanish workforce) to come and live in Spain. Remote work means you’ll live in Spain and bring money into the economy.

  40. Hello. My husband and I will be moving from Canada to Spain in just under a year. Starting to work out all the details now.

    My two questions:

    1- I work for a Canadian company and work from home, my company have agreed to still allow me work from home when we move. Would Spain allow this since I am not working for a Spanish company or taking any Spanish jobs. I am not an EU citizen

    2- My husband is an EU citizen does that automatically make me one being his spouse or do I still need to apply for a non lucrative visa.

    Thank you


    1. Hi Sam. Your husband can move to Spain as an EU citizen and you can move as his dependant. Your remote work may require a Spanish work permit, depending on the conditions. IT would be worth it to check with a Spanish immigration lawyer about the best way to proceed.

  41. I already have a home in Menorca and want to stay in Spain for about 183 days a year. I’m not sure if the 183 day minimum stay requirement is for every year or just the first year that you apply for the non-lucrative visa?

    Many thanks


    1. If you want to renew the visa, you must have met the residency requirement in the previous period.

  42. Hello!
    I am 59 years old, live in the UK, and am considering retiring to Spain when I reach 67, but I am unclear on the non-lucrative visa requirements. I will have savings of about 50,000 euros by then, which I can show in a bank account, and I will have enough to buy a small property as well, but my actual weekly income will be just the £175 state pension from the UK, or a little more. I’m very frugal and am sure I could live on that, but what I don’t understand is, do I need to show an INCOME of 30,000 euros a year (impossible!), or just to show the 30,000 euros in a savings account every year, which hopefully I wouldn’t need to touch? I hope you can clarify!

    1. Hi Fiona. The initial application is looked at as a whole, and the government wants to see that you can live at the level of 4 x the PREM. Unfortunately, your spending levels are not taken into account. Both income and savings can be used in the application and in future renewals so if your frugality keep the nest egg in place that is great.

  43. i understand that in spain i must purchase spanish health insurance with no copay for a year in order to receive an NLV. is there any point at which i can move to the spanish national health care system? at 1 year renewal? or two year renewal? or at the end of five years if i become a permanent resident?

  44. Hi Alastair, Given my question relates to taxation I am not sure if you will be able to assist, but thought it worth enquiring.

    I am an Australian resident, retired, and in receipt of the state pension, circa 840 €, per fortnight, plus a small private income, from dividends,, derived from shares, current value circa 150 K €. In addition I have sufficient funds to purchase a small property, which I could reside in.

    1) I would appreciate your thoughts regarding the chances of my being granted a non lucrative visa, if I should apply for one, based on the above calculations. If necessary I could increase my small private income by rearranging my portfolio, but would prefer not to do so.

    2) What I am unsure about though is where or not there would be any taxation implications with respect to my state pension, which is tax free.

    3) Spain has a double taxation agreement with Australia BUT, I understand ( and I may be wrong ) that the threshold for paying income tax, in Spain, is lower that that in Australia. If this is so am I correct in assuming that despite a double taxation agreement being in place I would be liable for paying taxation, in Spain, on any income, derived from Australia which falls below the Australian income tax threshold, and that the double taxation agreement would only apply to income received, above the current Australian threshold.

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Adam. Based on the information you should qualify for the non-lucrative visa. Our legal partner would be able to advise how best to present the package in the application to maximise your chance of success. (I edited your comment with the correction you sent through – I hope that is OK!)

      On the tax, I can’t give you specific advice. However, in general, here are a couple of key points. Your pension may be liable to tax in Spain, but not double taxation as per the tax treaty. And, Australia’s tax-free threshold is higher than Spain’s. This article has some good information on Spain’s taxation rates.

      Keep an eye out – we’re hoping to be able to help with financial planning and taxation advice soon!

      1. Hi Alistair,

        Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.

        Due to the current, virtual blanket prohibition on travel from Australia, it is probably best I wait until the travel prohibition is lifted before proceeding further. There is little point in submitting an application, the validity of which could expire before I am able to arrive in Spain, given the Australian government appears to be in no hurry to rescind the travel prohibition.

        I will contact your legal department as soon as I have confirmation regarding the travel prohibition being rescinded and am able to proceed with booking a flight. Meanwhile I guess I will simply have to wait, and hope, that the current Spanish legislation regarding non.lucrative visas is not amended.



        1. Good luck with the move – we’re looking forward to seeing our Australian friends again soon!

  45. Hello, I am living in Australia I currently have $8000 AUD in savings. I’m not working at the moment, my only income is from the government welfare system. Which would terminate if I leave the country. Last year I was granted a travel exemption for travelling overseas for at least 3 months. My boyfriend is living in Spain and I wish to stay with him. What is the maximum amount of time I can stay on a non lucrative visa. I will have no expenses- accomodation, food, etc. will be provided.
    Last year I was attempting to get a Schengen visa but had a lot of difficulties.
    Appreciate your advice.

    1. Hi Anna. The non-lucrative visa is issued for one year and is renewable after that. Your application doesn’t look at your possible expenses, just income and savings. Everyone has to meet the same level, and if you lose your income, you will have difficulty meeting that level. There may be other options for you – have a look at this article which has all of Spain’s visa and residency permit options.

      1. Hi Alastair,

        Hope you are doing well!

        I live in Surinam and I have a Dutch partner who lives in Holland. We want to live in Spain. I have a saving of €35.000,- but no income at the time.
        Can I apply for the non lucrative visa?
        How do we find a place to stay in Spain?
        Can I travel free to Holland in the first 183 days of the first year in Spain?

        Thnx in advance!

        1. Hi Jennifer. Without an income or large savings, the non-lucrative visa is difficult. However, as your partner is an EU citizen you may qualify for a family reunion visa, depending on the status of your relationship. A student visa may be another option for you to explore while you get settled here. A chat with a Spain immigration lawyer will help to find your best option.
          To find a place to stay, check out our Guide to Renting a Property in Spain.
          ON travel to Holland – yes, on a non-lucrative visa you can freely come and go as you please within the SCHENGEN region. However, your residence should be in Spain to qualify to renew.

  46. Hi, if i move to Spain on a non lucrative visa and want to purchase a property to live in while I be stung for the Tax? Currently live in UK, or am I better to rent?
    Many Thanks


    1. Hi Julia. This is a difficult question to answer without understanding all your details. Where you want to live and the cost of the home all will impact tax rates, as will your immigration status. At present, we are not able to help with personal taxation advice, so you’ll need to chat with a specialist. But, watch this space – we will be offering Spanish Expat tax consultancy services soon!

  47. Hi,
    I am interested in a non lucrative visa. I have no income at present but savings of £150000. Would this be enough to apply? Also, how many months of bank statements would I need to show?


    1. Hi Paul. In general, some passive income is what the immigration department is looking for. I’d suggest having a chat with our Spanish immigration partner to see if there is a way to frame the application to get the right outcome.

  48. Hello.

    I am Ukrainian, currently live in Luxembourg. But I quit my job here and accepted an offer from Ukrainian company. Now I work remotely, but I’d prefer to live in Spain. Can i apply for non-lucrative visa while living in Luxembourg? Or i have to apply in Ukraine and stay there until its accepted?

    And what are my chances? 🙂

    1. Hi Iryna. You can apply from your country of legal residence, so if you are legally resident in Luxembourg you may be able to apply from there. Our Spain Immigration Lawyer will be able to quickly assess your chances and give you advice on how to have the best chance of success.

  49. Hello and thank your for such an excellent detailed website.
    Regarding the non-lucrative visa, if I have no remote income but have the equivalent of E230,000 in the bank would that enable me to qualify for this type of visa , then looking to change to a work visa after 12 months. ?
    thank you

    1. Hi Ross. Most consulates want to see some form of income. However, your savings are well in excess of the required amount to cover a year in Spain. I’d suggest chatting to our partner to see if there is a way to frame your application for success.

  50. Hello – this site has been very informative !.

    We are looking to buy a property Spain and move there permanently on a NLV, Would we be able to let a room out in our own residency to supplement my modest private pension?.


    1. Hi Chris. Glad you found the site useful. Yes, you can purchase a property and rent out all or part of it on a non-lucrative visa. And, with a signed rental agreement you can even include the rent in your application or renewal. ONce thing to consider – if the purchase is more than é500,000 then a Spain Golden Visa may be a better option for you.

  51. Where can you find detailed tax information. Specifically what are the agreements, if any, on double taxation.

  52. Hi,
    Could you please provide some clarification on getting a work permit after holding the non-lucrative visa for one year? Does having the non lucrative visa make it any easier to get a work permit like providing exemption from labour market tests ? Will I require sponsorship to work in Spain after one year ?


    1. HI Sankar. Under the non-lucrative visa, you cannot change to a work permit in the first twelve months. After that, you can transfer to any of Spain’s ten work permits. You will need to fulfil the requirements of the work permit you select, and your residence permit will not give you exemptions from the requirements.

  53. Hi Alistair,

    I am Australian, 35 and have savings of 80 000euros i can show in my bank statement. As for income I have a side business which I get paid cash in hand so I’m unable to show tax documents for that. Will showing my bank statement be sufficient? I also own my own house and am planning to rent it out should I get the visa. Am I a candidate for the non lucrative visa?

    Thanks xx

    1. Hi Janetta. Your qualification is not cut and dried as you don’t have a tax return to support your side business income and the rental from your property is only in the future. There may be a way to effectively from the application, but you’d need to discuss your exact situation with a good Spanish immigration lawyer. All the best, Alastair

      1. But don’t I have sufficient savings in my bank statement to meet the requirement? Also, what if I am able to produce a rental contract with my tenant? Do i need to show the tax returns still?

        1. Hi. A rental contract and savings together will definitely help to support your application, and there may be no need to show your side income tax returns. All the best, Alastair

  54. Hi .My husband and I are thinking of moving to Spain.We have no income but £470.000 in the bank.we would like to purchase a property and stay in Spain.Would we qualify for a lucrative visa please?

    1. Hi Tracie. The Spanish immigration department generally likes to see some form of income. However, you do have considerable savings. Our Spain immigration partner would be best placed to discuss the best approach for you and your husband. If you purchase a house worth é500,000 then a Spain Investment visa might be worth exploring. IT has some advantages over the non-lucrative if you intending to buy the property anyway. All the best, Alastair

  55. Alastair,

    My husband and are are exploring moving to Spain. He is retired US Navy with a pension and I can work remotely. We meet the financial requirements for the non lucrative visa. My question is- my husband has a misdemeanor he pled guilty to for a crime in the US that does not appear to be a crime in Spain. The case is closed and the crime took place in 2018. We are looking at moving in 2-3 years. Do you think his criminal record will prevent us from getting the visa?

    1. Hi Lisa. In general, the EU is less strict on past criminal history than, for example, the USA. The final decision will be based on the seriousness of the crime, the sentencing outcome, and the time since the conviction. If it is a minor misdemeanor, and the conviction is more than three years old by the time of application you should be fine. A quick chat with our immigration partner with the details of the conviction will allow you to get a more definitive answer. All the best, Alastair

  56. I fulfil all requirements of this visa. How much your immigration partner charges for this visa after the first consultation.
    Just a rough idea, so I can decide.

  57. Hi Alistair,

    Thanks for your helpful responses. I’ve got a couple of questions on my situation.

    I’m an Aussie looking to make the move to Spain. I believe I meet the requirements for the NLV but am looking a few different options:

    1) move with my current company as they have a office/subsidiary in Spain – what would be the right visa for this?

    2) find job with a company that has an office/subsidiary in Spain – what would be the right visa for this?

    3) find a job with a company that doesn’t have an office /subsidiary in Spain and is say UK based but I would work remotely – what would be the best visa for this? The NLV? I know you mentioned this is a grey area but if there’s any tips or thoughts on this would be great to hear!


    1. Hi Sarah. We have a full article on Spain’s 10 work visa options (click the link). The correct visa will depend on where your contract is held, and where you are paid. If you are working for a Spanish company then an Employee work permit will probably be your best option. If you are working remotely and can qualify for the non-lucrative without the remote work income then it is a good option – it also allows you to transfer to a work visa after one year if your situation changes. Once you are clearer on your employment plans our partner will be able to give you advice on the best option for both the short-term and long-term. Cheers, Alastair

  58. Hello Alastair!

    My fiance and are from the U.S., he is currently speaking to businesses in Spain and plans to get a job there.

    We are in the process of researching the visas and moving to Spain early next year. We have a separate source of income through owned property, and I currently work from home with my own online business,

    I have sufficient healthcare insurance, in good health. and don’t have a police record for any serious crime. I’m just wondering with my online business, would I be eligible for the non-lucrative visa?

    1. Hi Lina. If you meet the income requirements for the non-lucrative from your property investment then yes, you’ll be eligible. If you need to add income from your online business then that complicates things slightly but can still be possible if your application is managed in the right way. There is no restriction on you continuing to work with your online business on the non-lucrative once you are in SPain. OUr partner will be happy to advise on the best approach for you – you can book a consultation here. Cheers, Alastair.

  59. Hi there,

    My partner and I (currently unmarried due to local laws disallowing same-sex marriage) are living outside of our home countries and are looking to move to Spain and work towards establishing permanent residency. She would ideally like to be a student pursuing a graduate level degree or program and I would like to live and work. That said, I’m happy to work remotely on this NLV.
    1. Is it possible for me to be included as a dependent on her NLV or do we each need our own?
    2. And is it possible for her to study on an NLV?
    3. Does this visa count towards permanent residence? We want to live the rest of our lives in Spain.
    4. Are we able to apply at the consulate in our current country of residence or do we need to go back to our respective countries where we retain citizenship?
    Any advice you can give would be great!


    1. Hi Cara. You and your partner will have a number of options include the NLV, a Spain work visa, and a Spain student visa. All have provisions for family members and dependants to be included. Your relationship status will need to be established as you are not married.
      1) Yes, as long as the financial requirements are met you can include family members on the application.
      2) Yes, both the primary applicant and dependants can study on the NLV (although a student visa may also be an option)
      3) Yes, the NLV counts towards Spain PR (only 50% of your student visa time counts towards PR in SPain)
      4) YOu should be able to apply in the country in which you are a legal resident.
      As your situation has a few variables you may benefit from chatting to our Spanish immigration legal partner – you can book a consultation here.

      1. Thanks for writing this wonderful article. My question is in a similar vein to Cara’s. I meet the requirements for the non-lucrative visa, but my boyfriend and I are not married. How do we, as you suggested to Cara, “establish our relationship status”?

        1. Hi Megan. Spain only recognizes two partner relationships for a Visa application 1) Spouse, including same-sex marriages (with marriage certificate) or 2) Civil Partners (with Civil Partnership document). Common-law partners will need to submit two separate applications and each qualify individually. All the best, Alastair

  60. My wife and I are UK citizens, we both lived in Mallorca from 1987-2007 and are in receipt of Spanish state pensions in addition to UK state pensions although because we now live in Thailand our UK pensions are frozen at the rate they were issued at
    Our total pensions amount to 25400 euros.
    My question is: as we are receiving the Spanish state pension and paid into the seguridad social would I be correct in assuming that we would still qualify for the Spanish health system, we have NIE numbers.
    With savings and funds from property sales here we will have enough to live on and are looking at a move towards the end of the year.
    We’ll make application for the NLV at the Spanish embassy in Bangkok

    1. Hi Gerry. As a recipient of a Spanish pension (having paid social security) you should be eligible for Spanish healthcare. OUr partner will be happy to assist with the application process when you are ready to proceed. All the best, Alastair

      1. Hi Alastair, thanks for your prompt reply and it’s kind of what I thought but just wanted it from an expert.
        When we’re ready we’ll get in touch again.
        Keep up the good work.

  61. Good evening,

    If we book a consultation appointment what time of day can the Skype meeting take place and if we then decide to proceed with an immigration lawyer are there time restrictions if we need to have online meetings?

    I currently work in the prison service and have no access to mobile phone or personal email during the working day. Ideally we would need an evening appointment or weekend.

    Can you give an indication of cost for the visa application process using the services of the lawyer?



  62. Hi
    My wife and I want to apply for an NLV in Spain.
    Our annual income would be €33471, would that fulfil the financial criteria.
    This would be a guaranteed annual income and would increase with the addition of state pensions

  63. Hello,
    I am 50 and just recently considered Spain as a possible retirement destination in a few years. After doing some research I have a couple questions regarding the non-lucrative visa I was hoping you could help me with.

    1. As a US citizen living in the US, are your partners able to process all the required paperwork from Spain and have it Apostilled for my local consulate in Chicago? If so, what would still be required of me?

    2. One of the requirements for the Chicago consulate is “Proof of accommodation” meaning a 12 month lease or a deed to a property. Are you familiar with this requirement? It would seem like a very difficult thing to do while still in the US.

    I know this is early for me but it’s all part of my research process.


    1. Hi Jess. Our partner can indeed take care of much of the paperwork on your behalf. They’ll also help you to get just the actual documents you need to get approved. However, you’ll still need to collect your personal documents like proof of income, etc. On the property requirement, there is some grey. This is not an actual part of the NLV immigration statute, but some Consulates do ask for it. Our partner will be able to advise you on the best way to approach the requirements, looking at your application in its entirety to ensure success. Well done on getting the ball rolling so early, being prepared makes the process much easier! Cheers, Alastair

  64. Hi Alastair
    We are retired UK citizens who came to Northern Italy 3 years ago for family reasons. We are considering moving to Spain as we are no longer needed here and the weather does not suit us. Would it be the same for us if we wanted a non-lucrative visa to Spain after having been granted our Italian residence? Thanks

    1. Hi Amanda. No, unfortunately, your Italian residence doesn’t alter the NLV requirements. If you have Italian citizenship you could live and work in Spain without a visa. All the best, Alastair

  65. HI Alastair.
    My wife and I would be looking at retirement in 4 years time with our joint pension ,monthly of £1600 and a lump sum in the bank of around £60,000 plus any profits from selling the house. Would we be able to retire to Spain as we had proclaimed before Brexit ?
    We would rent for the first year if we did.

    1. Hi Sean. The current NLV income requirement for two people is €32,270 or around £28,000 or around £2,300 per month. This means your joint pension will not quite cover both of you. You’ll have some savings and/or investments so that might help to make up the shortfall depending on the exact situation when you are ready to move. No doubt BREXIT has made things more difficult for UK citizens, but moving to Spain is still possible – check out our Moving to Spain after BREXIT guide.

  66. My husband and I are looking aqt the NLV, we have enough income and savings to qualify. My question is about the medical report – I had a stroke a year ago in Spain and I am still in a wheelchair. Would my application be accepted? Obviously we would have the required Private Health Insurance.

    1. Hi Lynda. I asked our partner to clarify this and it is good news. The medical certificate only excludes certain illnesses. Your stroke would not exclude you from a NLV. The diseases include polio, smallpox, SARS, Yellow fever, Ebola, and others. I have emailed you a sample form that lists all the exclusions. All the best for a speedy recovery and a successful move to Spain. Our partner will be happy to assist you with your application. Alastair

  67. Hi Alastair,
    Regarding private health insurance as one of the requirements for non-lucrative visa, does it has to be a “local” Spanish insurance company? If I sign up an Expat Health Insurance with Allianz, which covers “worldwide, excluding US”, is it qualified?
    If not, then any specific local Spanish insurance company you could recommend, so that I can search up their packages?
    Thank you.

  68. Hi. My wife and I are retired UK citizens. We have state and private pensions (about £27,000) – and income from shares ISA’s (about £13,000).
    In total, we pay under £2,000 annually tax in the UK.

    My questions:

    1. UK ISA’s taxed in Spain? (they are tax free in the UK)
    2. If i stay for only 180, do I still have to pay tax?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Roland. I can’t give specific financial advice but here are some general guidelines.
      1) ISAs are taxable once you are a tax resident in Spain under a non-lucrative visa.
      2) You must stay for at least 183 days per year to be able to renew your NLV. That can make you a Spanish tax resident. You can, of course, stay in Spain for 180 days (and stay in the UK for the rest). However, you’ll have problems when you try to renew your NLV.

  69. Hi Alastair,
    Great site and great information thank you.
    My wife and I intend to apply for the NLV.
    We would have approximately £90,000 in savings (after purchasing a Spanish property) and a Royal Naval pension of £17,300 pa. My wife has a civil service pension which would mature 3 years after the move. If we decided to rent in Spain we would have approx £220,000 in savings along with my pension.
    We have no criminal convictions, are in general good health, already have private medical cover in UK but would need to re-arrange to a Spanish/Worldwide policy
    I realise I am asking this question from your personal perspective however;
    1. Which route do you think would have the best prospect of success, purchase or rent?
    2. Could we join the Spanish healthcare system after our first year ?
    Thank you in advance

    Warm regards

    1. Hi Graham.
      1) That is a tough question and it will depend on a host of factors. This is my personal opinion only and based on what I know. In the town we live in, renting is much better value than buying a house. We’ve chosen, for the moment, to rent a house and invest our money elsewhere. However, you mentioned rent is dead money, so true. Mortgage rates are also at historic lows so borrowing money can be cheap. And, being your own landlord brings many people peace of mind. We’re fence-sitting at the moment, but we are watching the market and we’d love to have a place in Spain to call our own one day. Other towns, other people, and other times may have a completely different answer!!!!
      2) All Spanish citizens and anyone who pays in social security have access to the public health system. As a UK citizen on a non-lucrative visa, your best best is probably private health insurance.

  70. I own a property in Spain worth approximately €275.00

    Until Brexit I spent the End October through the End of February in Spain.
    And l rent the house out in the Summer, this income is taxable.

    Can l use the scheme, would l have to have the required funds in an account as well as the property?
    I am 74 years old.

    1. Hi Jacqui. The government wants to know you can support yourself to the iPREM levels. So, they’ll take into account the rental income from the property, but not the value of the property itself. All the best, Alastair

  71. Hi Mr. Johnson

    My question is regarding the renewal of the NLV. I am a citizen of an Iberoamerican country and my understading is that I can apply for spanish citizenship after 2 years of residency. Since the spanish citizenship application takes more than 1 year to be reviewed/granted, would I have to apply for renewal of the NLV for an additional period of 2 years while the citizenship application is pending? Would I have to meet the financial requirements for the additional 2 years renewal while my citizenship application is pending?

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Miriam. Yes, you are correct. Ibero-American citizens qualify to apply for Spanish citizenship after two years, but your immigration status is unchanged while you wait for your application to be approved.

      I’ve just checked this with our Spanish immigration lawyer. You’ll need to renew your NLV (or another Spanish residency visa or work permit) while you wait on the approval of your citizenship application. And, yes, you’ll need to meet the NLV renewal conditions as per any standard renewal. Remember; as a condition of your non-lucrative visa, you can transfer to another immigration permission after the first year so there may be another Spanish immigration option to explore if you are have problems meeting the NLV conditions. All the best, Alastair

  72. If I am on a long stay visa and living in France (as a UK citizen) can I apply for an NLV at the Spanish consulate in France? Am I allowed therefore to have residence in France and Spain?

    1. Hi Alexis. Yes, as a legal resident in France you should be able to apply for your Spanish non-lucrative visa from the nearest consulate. And, once your NLV is granted you’ll have residence rights in Spain and in France. However, you’ll need to ensure that the residency requirements of you immigration permissions don’t conflict. For example, you must live in Spain for 183-days a year minimum to meet the requirements of the NLV. Our partner has extensive NLV experience and can help you to prepare the application for the best chance of success. Regards, Alastair

  73. Hi Alastair,
    Thanks for the interesting informative and very helpful website.
    We are a family of 4. Looking into applying for the spanish NLV. The article states that we need to show sufficient savings in a bank account or alternatively, we must be able to show guaranteed income.
    Assuming we can’t show a guaranteed passive income, is there a sufficient amount of bank account savings we can show to still be eligible ?
    The article states a threshold amount of €45178 (For a family of four). Would double this amount should be enough to be eligible without showing any proof of an additional steady passive income?
    Best regards,

    1. Hi Rony. The NLV legislation only mentions income to the 400% IPREM level. However, in our partners experience, savings can be accepted in some circumstances in place of income (in in combination with income.) I’ve update the article to make this more explicit. Depending on the consult where you are applying, and other assets you have (like a property in Spain) the amount can vary. With no other factors count on showing savings of at least €90,000 in your name for your family of four. As you don’t have supporting income I’d strongly suggest having a good Spanish lawyer advise you on your savings-based application to give yourself the best chance of success. Regards, Alastair

  74. Hi

    I currently live in Gibraltar and will be moving to Spain imminently. I cannot go to the U.K. to apply for this visa, do you have any idea what I can do.

  75. Hi,
    I am currently in Spain “staying” for 3 months (working remotely for UK company) to see how I like it before making the move the apply for a non lucrative visa. I hold an NZ and UK passport. I understand that I would need to apply for the visa in London but do I need to remain in London while the application is processed?
    Can I go back briefly to apply and then come back to stay in Spain/Portugal/Italy while it is being processed?
    Do you know how long the consulate in London is taking to process applications at the moment?

    1. Hi Catherine. There is no restriction on travel during the application process as long as you submit the application in your home country. On processing times and how to apply, on I’d suggest a chat with our Spain Immigration Lawyer to agree the best approach for your application. All the best, Alatsair

  76. Hi Alastair, I have a few questions.

    1) I am a Turkish citizen living in the US as an asylum applicant. So I have legal residence but not permanent and since the application is pending, I can’t show any date of validity or expiration. But I also have tourist visa for US that is valid for 5 more years (6 months for each stay). Can I apply from the US in this position?

    2) I have $30k savings, I’m working as a freelancer, and my freelance income is $1500-2500/mo. I’ve been supporting myself in the US with this income. Would it be enough to get this visa too?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Abe. The US Consulates can be strict on the sources of income for the NLV. Given your situation’s complexity I’d suggest a chat to our Spain NLV Lawyer to agree the best pathway for your application. All the best, Alastair

  77. Hi,

    My wife and I are UK citizens and are moving to Gibraltar to work in September. However, we’d rather work in Gib but live in Spain. We have been told that non-lucrative visa applications are regularly being turned down for this purpose, is this the case as far as you know?


    1. Hi David. I’ve just checked this question with our Spanish Immigration Lawyer. The law is written to prevent people working in Spain specifically. As long as you can show income or financial support that does not include the income from your job in Gibraltar, then there should a good chance of success for your NLV application. You can book a consultation here with our partner to ensure you prepare your application in a way to ensure the best chance of acceptance. All the best, Alastair

      1. Thanks Alistair.

        My concern is that I have been told that NLVs are being regularly turned down for people wanting to live in Spain but work in Gib. Mainly for political leverage over Gib/UK and general dissatisfaction with Brexit.

        One Spanish immigration lawyer told me this was the case and that things would be uncertain until the UK and the Spanish had resolved these and other issues.

        For obvious reasons, we do not want to go to the expense of an application only to have it turned down, especially as I understand no reasons are generally given.

        Can you comment on this? Have to successfully applied for NLVs for people working in Gib recently?

        One other question…can we apply for a NLV from Gib?

        1. Hi David. I referred your question to our Spanish partner. Here are a couple of answers.
          1) There is no Spanish consulate in Gibraltar and so you’ll need to apply in London if you are resident in Gibraltar or Spain.
          2) They’ve had no reports of issues with rejections for people working in Gibraltar (but they’ve put out some feelers to their network to see if anyone else has had issues).
          3) The initial feeling is that the application should be accepted as long as you meet the requirements as you are not working in Spain at all, not even remotely. As per your other question, they think that you could include this income on your application given the location of the work.
          They’ll be happy to assist you with the preparation of your application and to manage any issues it throws up with the Spanish immigration department. They also manage an appeal as part of the initial NLV fee if your application does get rejected for any reason.
          Regards, Alastair

  78. Hi. I am very soon applying for an NLV as my intent is to buy a Spanish property and retire there. I have plenty of income from Social Security and pensions and an abundance of savings so I have really no need to continue the part time work I’m still doing in the US. That work is entirely online and the company I work for would love to have me continue. It sounds as if that’s not a problem once I am there and settled in but once again not essential.

    However, I am also a musician and I know there might be numerous opportunities to perform in Spanish clubs and cafes. If I do that it won’t be with the main intent of making income but more just to share artistically but I’m wondering what experience you may have had with other artists that have moved to the area and perhaps have performed professionally. Most gigs do pay something or you end up with tips. I’m curious if you can prove that you are basically breaking even in something like that if it’s even a concern. I assume income is defined as actual profit.

    1. Hi Art. The NLV excludes working in Spain without any legislated exceptions. However, if you are informally playing with expenses covered from a door share or tips then there’ll be no issues with declared income from working in Spain. As you are looking to buy a house in Spain, have you looked the the Spain Golden Visa? It has no restrictions on working or residency and may be a good option?

  79. Hi Alastair,

    I’m interested in Spain’s NLV. Unfortunately I don’t have passive income to qualify for the NLV. However, I have savings of around €40,000 in the bank + €5000 in investments. I also work part time as a freelancer with an annual income of €12,000. Does this make me eligible for the NLV?

    1. Hi Adam. As long as none of your freelancer clients are in Spain you may be able to frame an application that meets the requirements. As your application is a mix of income and savings I’d recommend working with a quality NLV expert to ensure a positive outcome. Our partner will be happy to help – you can book a consultation here. All the best, Alastair

      1. Thanks Alastair. I agree that it’s best to work with an immigration lawyer. I’ll book a session as soon as possible.

        I forgot to mention that the funds are not in my bank account yet. I am planning to sell a property that I own to come up with the required amount, but I’ve heard that I’ll need to let the money sit in the account for 6 months or a year. Is that the case? My goal is to minimize waiting time as much as possible.

        1. Hi Adam. Our partner’s advice is that there is no 6-month requirement for the bank deposit as referenced by many websites.

  80. Hi Alistair
    Myself and my wife are looking to move to spain next year on a NLV
    I currently have a pension of €20,000 per wife’s pension would only be approx €3000 per year but we have €90,000 in savings and expect to make €160,000 from the sale of our house in the UK but some of that would have to be used to buy a property in spain.
    Would we be eligible for the NLV.

    1. Hi Keith. With your income + savings + intention to buy a home in Spain, you should be able to frame your financial situation in a favorable way. Our partner would be happy to help you find the most effective framing to give you the best chance for a successful application. Regards, Alastair

    1. Hi Sam. Our Spain legal partner has a transparent fee structure for the NLV application process which you’ll be given in the first consultation. The reason for this is that the fees depend on your circumstances and the services you want our partner to provide – this is the only reason we don’t publish fees on the website as it can be confusing for people. We regularly bench mark our partners against the market and we also survey all our clients to ask if the were happy with the fees and service so we’ve very confident of the value. I’ve sent you an email with an indicative cost to help with your decision. Regards, Alastair

  81. Hi great article thank you, if you’re application for a non-lucrative visa is denied, I understand you can appeal. My question is if your appeal is denied, can you apply again or is there a window of time that you must wait before doing so?
    Thanks again

    1. Hi Rachel. If you have a NLV denied then there is no time restriction on reapplying. However, the rejection will be part of the assessment of the new application. Successfully appealing a rejection is easier in the long term – and not submitting an application that will be rejected is best of all.

      Our Spanish immigration law partner is a NLV expert, and very few applications that they submit are rejected by the Spanish immigration service. However, the law and interpretation does change over time and so our partner includes a free appeal if your application is unsuccessful. All the best, Alastair

  82. Good day Alastair

    On a medical side, will HIV+ be an impact on receiving a clear medical bill?


    1. Hi Egbert. The medical check does not include HIV. It covers communicable diseases like smallpox, polio, SARS, dengue, West Nile Fever, etc… However, you’ll need to get health insurance that covers your pre-existing condition – the health insurance is a condition form the visa. You can see more in our Expat Health insurance article. We’ll have an article on Spanish healthcare and insurance coming soon, so keep an eye out for that. Cheers, Alastair

  83. We are looking to move to Spain on a permanent basis and are currently getting all the paperwork together.

    I have just got my ACRO police certificate which is showing a criminal record for a category C conviction dated 26 July 2010 which expires in July 2022 after 12 years.

    We should like to move to Spain in December/January – would I be better waiting until July next year?

    could you give us an idea of cost for you to handle the visa applications for us.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  84. Hi Alastair,
    I am 72, retired with only a US social security income of $30,000 per year. Would this be taxed in Spain? I am looking at the possibility of living in Spain and need to know how much of my tax free US social security would be taxed in Spain (if any) before I make a final decision.


    1. Hi Nancy. Firstly, we are not qualified financial advisors or tax consultants, this advice is general in nature and you should seek additional information for your specific situation. Having said that, here you go! With the non-lucrative visa you normally become tax-resident in Spain, and most global income is taxed in Spain. However, US citizens still have tax obligations in some circumstances. Importantly, the US-Spain Tax treaty ensure that you won’t pay tax on the same income in both countries. We’d suggest a chat with a good Spain taxation expert to ensure you specific circumstances are taken into account. I have emailed you some additional details. All the best, Alastair

  85. Looking for nlv for my husband and myself my husband has a pension of £9600 ad we have 2 rental propertys that earn us approx£14000 a year also £100000 in savings would this be adequate funds for nlv application.Could you give me a very approx cost o btain the visa and lwgal cots to process.I realise all cases are differentan incur different costs so just lookingfor approx costs to give us an idea

  86. Hello,

    we are applying from Kuwait for NLV, I have shown in my bank statement a saving of 43,000 euros and after we submit the embassy sent an email asking the below:

    – Further clarifications/proof about your professional activity (in case you are working at the moment, kindly submit your salary certificate).

    – Further clarifications/proof of how you intend to economically maintain yourself and your family while living in Spain without carrying out any professional activity.

    What does it mean??

    1. Hi Nader. When assessing a NLV application the Spanish immigration service wants to know that you are a ) not working, and b) can support yourself while in Spain. These are the two key requirements of the visa. Our Spanish Immigration law partner is a NLV expert and can assist with your response to the immigration department to ensure your best chance of success. You can book a NLV consultation here. All the best, Alastair

  87. Hi Alastair,

    I have learnt SO MUCH from reading your responses to the various questions. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.

    I’m an EU citizen (Germany) living in the US. My husband is an american citizen. I have just 2 questions:
    1. I understand that once my husband obtains a NLV, he has to be in Spain for at least 183 days to be eligible for renewal. As an american, right now he is limited to be in the Schengen area 90 days in a 180 day period. With an NLV, can he stay in the Schengen area (not Spain) for longer periods of time or is he still limited to 90 days in a 180 period if he visits other Schengen countries? Please clarify.

    2. If he doesn’t stay 183 days/year and Spain doesn’t renew his NLV, can he apply for it again in the future?

    Thank you so much for your wisdom and the time it takes to answer everyone’s questions.


    1. HI Suzanne. As an EU citizen, you have the right to live and work in any EU country and your husband can join you as the spouse of an EU resident. Neither of you would then be subject to the 183-day residency rule. If your husband applies as an individual he’d be subject to the rule. If he doesn’t meet the residency requirement he will should not attempt to renew his visa, but that will not prevent any future applications. Regards, Alastair

      1. If I understand you correctly…if my husband joins me as a spouse in any EU country, he will not be limited to a minimum amount of time spent there, and would be able to stay in other EU countries longer than the 90 days. Correct?

  88. Hi this is a brilliant site, I am amazed to discover reading your information that if I understand this correctly I would still potentially be able to relocate to live in Tenerife for a year or two if I have enough savings in the bank, despite having no income and despite being British and the Brexit rule of the schengen zone and 90 days etc. Is this correct?

    1. Hi Sarah. The non-lucrative visa gives you residence in Spain as a British citizen, and so the 90-day restrictions will not apply. Our Spanish immigration partner will be able to assess your suitability for this visa as you don’t have income available. The legislated requirements are for income, although in some cases, applicants with significant savings can be approved. You can also see our Moving to Spain after Brexit guide for UK citizens. All the best, Alastair

  89. Hi, I would like to retire to Spain possibly in 2022.
    What are my chances of obtaining the NLV with my situation.

    68 years old, Retired
    £90,000 to purchase property from sale of uk property. ( will rent first )
    £50,000 in savings
    £900 per month pension

    After the first initial year of private health can I switch to the uk S1 certificate


    1. Hi John. Your £900 pension is below the recommended income level of €27,115 per annum and so your application is not straightforward. However, your savings and equity from your property sale will definitely help you case. A chat with our NLV Lawyer in Spain will be the best way to assess your options and to decide on the best approach for your application. You can book a consultation here. All the best, Alastair

  90. I am an Angolan citizen currently resident in South Africa but looking forward to move to Spain or Portugal. I own a house in Angola (with a tenant) and another one in Cape Town where I am currently living in but would be putting out for rent as well in case I get this NLV to spain. Since this second house is not yet rented and won’t be unless I get this NLV, can I use some kind of evaulation so it can be accounted on my financial requirement. Otherwise, can I use income from my personnel business for this type of visa?

    1. Hi Adelino. Rental income from your properties is passive income as required by the NLV. It would be best to chat to our Spanish Immigration Lawyer – they are expert in submitting NLV applications and will be able to advise you on how to include prospective rental income from your Cape Town property. Your personnel business income will not qualify for the financial requirement. All the best, Alastair

  91. Hi Alastair,

    By far the most informative website out there surrounding this issue. Thank you.

    Following on from the comment from ‘David Robinson’ on 14th June, I am in a similar situation where I am looking to start employment in Gibraltar but would like to live in Spain.

    Have you had any further update on the success of such an application?

    The work would be physically in a Gibraltar office, not remote, the salary well above the required amount by Spain for the Non Lucrative Visa and I also have a small amount of rental income from a property and a bit of savings (although not to the extent of the required ~30000 EUR a year).

    I would be very interested in discussing this with one of your immigration specialists should you think I have a good chance here.

    1. Hi Dave. Each case is quite specific, so I do think discussing your case would be the best approach. Bear in mind, the terms of the NLV are that you don’t work for a Spanish company or clients. But, no income from work will be eligible for the application (only passive income sources are allowed). So, even though your work is in Gibraltar, you’ll need to meet the NLV financial requirements form other income sources. All the best, Alastair

  92. Hello! My husband and I would like to move to Spain for one year, not until 2023. We have three small children. We would like to move there so that our children can attend school and learn to speak Spanish. My husband is in the United States military and would like to take a year-long sabbatical to spend time with family. In the US military, there is a program called “Career Intermission Program” where military members can take a break from work and still receive 1/15 of their monthly pay. That would be about $500 a month. We are still fully covered under the military health and dental insurance during this sabbatical. I understand that for the NLV, there has to be a certain amount of money in the bank for each family member. We currently have $90,000+ in different accounts, and the only loan we are paying is on our house which we would sell or rent before moving to Spain. My husband and I have no intentions of working for a Spanish or EU company while living in Spain. A few questions that I have: Are we a good candidate to receive the NLV visa? Does all of the money in our American accounts have to be transferred to a Spanish bank?

    1. HI Juliane. The Spanish immigration department is looking to see that you can cover your expenses during your time in Spain, and that is the guide line of 4 x IPREM for the primary aplicant + 1 x IPREM for each dependent. Unfortunately, your income of $500 per month won’t reach that level. Most consulates will accept some combination of income (with no obligation to transfer anything to Spain) and savings, and if your military covers is valid in Spain (and accepted by the consulate for the visa) that may also be a positive. As you don’t meet the income requirements, I’d suggest a chat to our NLV immigration Layers in Spain. They’ll be able to give you the best advice on your suitability for this visa, and the best way to frame your application. All the best, Alastair

  93. Hi, I have a question about permanent residency after 5 years living in Spain. There seems to be confusion on the internet websites about whether there is still an income requirement for this permanent residency application after living in Spain on a non-lucrative visa for 5 years. My daughter’s remote working situation has changed over the last year and she may still qualify with a combination of income and savings, but it would be a lot easier if income was not a factor this time around.

    My other question has to do with how she would prove living here in Spain if she lives with us and so doesn’t have either a mortgage or a rental contract. The electric bill is in her name but we only changed that about a year ago. We also have several empadroniamentos over the last 5 years, because we moved a year ago. Would that be sufficient proof?

  94. Hello, Would you please send me a motivation letter sample, if there is?
    I am going to apply for the non-lucrative visa of Spain and my interview appointment is 3 weeks later. I assumed that a motivation letter is an important part of my application and I will appreciate it if you can assist me.

  95. Hi Alastair,

    My wife and I are thinking to apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa from Canada, we are not vaccinated against Covid-19 and Canada doesn’t allow us to travel at this moment.
    I want to ask you if we don’t want to be vaccinated and we qualify for the NLV can we travel from Canada to Spain, is there any legal proceedings regarding this issue, also we will sell our property in Canada and purchase a property in Spain and we should be able to have at least
    around $ 200.000 in our bank account after we purchase the property in Spain.
    Please can you advise me regarding this matter when you have a chance as our move will be probably October-November 2022?
    I want to thank you for all your information online it’s really helpful and very well done.
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Dumitru. General health advice strongly supports vaccination against COVID-19, and Spain’s health department have vaccine requirements both for entry into Spain and for access of some facilities. However, these restrictions do change over time, and there is no vaccine requirement linked to the issue of your NLV. Depending on the value of the property you’re looking to purchase you should also investigate the Spanish Golden Visa as this may suit you better in some cases. Our excellent Spanish immigration partner will be best placed to advise you on the right approach – please book a consultation here. All the best, Alastair

      1. Hi Alastair,

        Thank you for your advice and I will be in touch with your lawyers when we will be ready to start the proceedings to get NLV for Spain.
        Happy New Year to you and your family,

  96. Hi Alastair. My name is Eduardo. Both my grandparents were Spanish ( born in Spain); they emigrated to Argentina where my mother was born as well as myself. And I’m also a USA Citizen. Based on my grandparents being Spanish and me being born in Argentina, I appear to qualify for Spanish citizenship after only 1 year of residency in Spain. Therefore I know I have two likely options: Flexible Golden Investment Visa (500k Euro realty investment), or the NLV.

    Assuming I’m going the NLV route:

    1). If I have between $300k – $500k in savings would I qualify without passive income? I can receive and show freelance remote income from a NYC company if necessary.

    2). Instead of remaining in Spain 183 days, can I just ensure that I don’t leave Spain for more than 3 months at a time to satisfy the residency requirement–I only need 1 year in Spain to submit my citizenship application.

    3. Do I need to remain a resident in Spain pending the processing of my citizenship application (which could take a year) and if so would maintaining a $300k to $500k bank balance allow me to renew my NLV?

    Your thoroughness above is very appreciated. It certainly passes my confidence building test. Thank you!

  97. Hi,

    I would like to know whether NLV is possible with 40k euros savings for 2 people. The passive income keeps changing and is low even after owning lot of rental properties because the rent cannot match Spain ipremX4(too high for 3rd world countries). No pensions.

    I was informed that only 35k savings would-be enough but after reading clearly here, it seems a passive income is a must too. Is there a minimum passive income that will be required besides 40k savings?
    Kindly confirm.

    Thanks in advance

  98. Hi there,

    I’m a US citizen waiting for my NLV renewal to be approved. Do you know if I can leave while it’s undergoing the review process? If not, can I leave with the approval paper work before receiving my new residency card?

    Thank you!

  99. Hi Alistair,

    When I retire in a few years, my wife and I plan on moving to Spain and buying a property. Our pension incomes of £34000 will cover the income requirement for the 1st year NLV and we will have at least £50000 in savings after the house purchase. My question is about subsequent renewals. Will our initial monthly pension income qualify for renewals do they need to be ‘doubled’?

    1. Hi Gordon. You’ll need to show that you can continue to show the annual requirement for renewals. So, although the renewal is for two years, you only need to show the same amount of income each year. Regards, Alastair

  100. Good afternoon. Thank you so much for the very informative site. How much is consultation with legal experts you are recommending? What is the approximate cost of the general non-complicated NLV visa done by the lawers – all-inclusive? Do they guarantee approval if health, legal and financial conditions are met? Thanks again, Maria

    1. Hi Maria. The initial consultation is €57 – and this fee is deducted from any future fees if you proceed with our partner. I’ve emailed you a fee guideline. We don’t publish it on this page as there are variables that are best discussed directly with our partner. The prices depend on the services you require and your circumstances – however, you’ll have a clear and binding quote before you proceed with our partner. And, we’re constantly reviewing the market and our partner offers competitive pricing and excellent value. Our partners cannot guarantee that the Spanish immigration service will grant any visa – it is a government bureaucracy (and, don’t trust anyone that says that they do!). They will guarantee three things: 1) If you are not eligible for a NLV they’ll advise you not to proceed, 2) Your application will be prepared to give you the best chance of success, 3) in the very unlikely event that your application is refused they’ll manage your appeal free of charge. All the best, Alastair

  101. Hi Alastair, Thanks for providing a very informative, thorough and clear website.

    When making the application for the NLV do I need to have an address in Tenerife ? Our plan, assuming we obtained the visa, would be to sell our house in the UK and then look to rent somewhere short term in Tenerife whilst looking for a suitable long term rental property, so at the time of making our application we would not have an address in Tenerife.

    Thanks, Steven

      1. Thanks Alastair for the prompt reply. One other question which hadn’t crossed my mind until I read an earlier question on this list regarding unmarried couples. My partner and I are not married, although we have been co habiting for over 30 years. In your reply to the earlier question you stated that in such an instance each person would have to apply for a visa individually. Does that mean that each person, ie myself and my partner would have to prove income / savings for the full amount of 27115 euros or would the second applicant only have to prove income of 6778 euros ?
        Thanks again

          1. Hi Alastair, I’d just like to share some information with you.

            Following your previous response I contacted the Spanish Consulate in Manchester, via email, and asked the same question regarding unmarried couples – here is some excerpts from our correspondence…

            My initial question was – “My partner and I are considering applying for a Non Lucrative visa to allow us to take up residency in Tenerife in the future. We are not married but have been living together as a couple for over 30 years. How would our status affect a visa application ? ”

            First response from the consulate – “You can apply for the visa together if one of you is dependent from the other (if you can provide proof of EUR 2259.60 + EUR 564.90 per month) then you will need to provide the marriage certificate or proof of that you live together, there is no need to translate or legalise this.”

            My follow up question was – “From what you say It seems that as long as we can provide proof of living together we would be able to apply for the NL visa as 1 main applicant (myself) and 1 dependant (my partner).

            Could you please advise what proof would be required to show that we live together ?

            We are joint owners of our house which we own outright (no mortgage). We also have joint bank accounts in both our names. Also, we are both named on our Council Tax bill and Water Utility bill. Would any of these be suitable as proof of living together ?”

            Consulate’s reply – “Yes, the proof of the house on your names and the bank accounts that will be enough.”

            So it appears unmarried couples can apply for the NL visa just the same as married / civil partnered couples can, assuming they can provide the required proof of living together.

            I hope this information is useful.

            Great news for us….

            All the best

          2. That is excellent news indeed! With Spanish Immigration law each embassy/consulate can have a slightly different approach/interpretation (and even sometimes there isn’t enteral consistency within a single consulate!). As you have this in writing you should have no problems! All the best with the move, and thanks for taking the time to share this information with us. All the best, Alastair

  102. Hi Alistair.
    Firstly thank you for the impressive amount of clear information on your website. I believe my case is straightforward but your opinion would be appreciated.

    I previously lived in Spain from October 2018 until the beginning of June 2020. In March 2019 I obtained residency based on the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. So I have a NIE. I had planned to return to Spain with six months but due to various Covid induced travel bans I was unable to. I have since remained in UK and as a consequence believe that I have lost the right of residency as I have remained out of Spain.

    I now want to return to Spain and the NLV appears the ideal option for me. I am retired, drawing on my Private Pension and can meet the requirements of €27.792,96 minimum for year 1. My understanding is that I need twice that amount for the first renewal?

    I also understand from previous replies that if I wish I can transfer to a self employed work visa or perform remote work once tax resident after year 1?

    Do I have to stay in Spain for 183 consecutive days or can I return to UK for short visits during year 1?

    Based on my assumption in paragraph one, based on your knowledge, do you agree that the NLV is the best option?

    If so then please advise me of the details of your immigration partner company and can you send me the same guide that you referenced in your reply to Maria above?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi Kevin

      1) I’d start your discussion with your Spanish immigration lawyer here. There is occasionally some flexibility with COVID impacts. I have no idea if they’d be able to argue your case, but they may be able to use your old residency as the basis for your return
      2) The renewal is for two years, and so you’ll need to show €27.792,96 minimum for each year.
      3) Yes, there is no restriction on transferring to a Spanish Work Visa after the first year.
      4) The 183 days are cumulative for the year – there is no requirement for consecutive days.
      5) If you can’t renew your residency then the NLV looks to be a good fit, but our Immigration Law partner will be best placed to confirm your options.

      You can book a consultation with our Spanish Immigration Lawyer partner from the link – their service just got another 5-star review on Trustpilot!

      Also, I’ve subscribed you to our Moving to Spain guide as requested.

      Cheers, Alastair

  103. Hi Alistair,
    Thank you for such an in-depth description of the non-lucrative visa. My husband and I are in our 40s and have more than enough savings to meet the requirement for this visa. We are keen to stay in Spain and also take advantage of the travel options within the Schengen area so this visa seems perfect for us.

    My question is around the penalties or consequences of not staying the full 183 days. If, for example, personal circumstances require us to return to the UK what would be the consequences of that? Is it just that we won’t be able to renew? And if that is the case, is there a time limit on that? Would we be able to apply again next year?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Natalie. The 183 days residency is a requirement for the renewal of the visa. I’d discuss this with our Spanish immigration lawyer – they are NLV experts and will be able to advise on how you can manage the impact of a foced stay out of Spain during your visa. All the best, Alastair

  104. So I am retired and live in the USA. How is the annual pension calculated? I get 3100 dollars a month from my social security and military retirement, my wife will be getting around 600 dollars a month. Do those figures accrue for the annual requirements? I also have an ira of about 80000.

  105. Your article says the following:
    If you are living in Spain on a non-lucrative residence permit, you will normally be resident in Spain for taxation. So, if you declare remote work income in your Spanish tax return, it won’t stop the Spanish immigration department from renewing your NLV. This is true regardless of where the visa was first issued.

    I’m finding a lot of conflicting information on working while living on a NLV in Spain. How is it that declaring income won’t adversely affect your NLV renewal? Can you please elaborate? Do you need to make this income look as though it passive? If so, how?

  106. Hi Alastair,

    I’ve got a few small work pensions and a rental property which bring in £28k pre tax. Do you think I’m too near the mark and might be rejected? I do get my state pension in 3 years but do t think that I can hang on till then…I would also be looking to continue my private practice for online therapy with uk clients would this be likely to raise a problem in your experience?

    Many thanks,


  107. Hi Alastair

    I have around £130000 in a pension pot and a passive income of about £8500 from rental property . Can pension drawdown be used for the purpose of income for the NLV or does it has to be passive income from the pension ie in the form of an annuity?


  108. Hi Alistair, I can see my earlier comment, my girlfriedn would certianly qualify for the Non Luc visa, but will she also have to complete an M720 when she has the Visa as her assets out side of Spain would be in excess of what is required. I have TIE and already resident.

  109. Greetings from Greece Alastair: I am a US citizen who has lived in Greece for over 3 years, but do not have a resident permit. As a result I will have to return to the US and submit my NLV application at a Spanish consulate.

    Question 1. Does a person actually have to be retired from working prior to applying for the NLV? If it is allowed I want to apply before I stop work here in Greece, but enter Spain on the NLV and officially retire just prior to entry.

    Question 2. Does an applicant for a Spanish visa have to apply and pick up the approved visa in person or can they be represented by an attorney?

    Question 3. Do all required documents have to be translated into Spanish?

    Question 4. I do not have an address in the US since I have nmot lived there for over 3 years. Is this going to be a problem?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    1. Hi William – with your residence issues between Greece and the USA and your continued employment, I’m not 100% sure of the best approach. I think given your circumstances you should chat to our Spanish NLV Expert lawyer to decide on the way forward. Regards, Alastair

  110. 1.BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO(Núm. 306 Jueves 22 de diciembre de 2022 Sec. I. Pág. 179017)revise law:Applicants should provide public certification of no crime in the country of residence for the last 2 years ,It is not required to provide a public certificate of no criminal record in the country of nationality two years ago ,Applicants with no criminal record need only sign that they had no criminal record for the past five years ago
    2.In mainland China in 2009 for non-official bribery sentenced to 2 years probation, can apply  the non-lucrative permit as deputy applicant??

  111. Hello Alastair

    I am 55, I have annual income of £24,000 ( 27,295 Euros) from renting my property and early pension, so just below threshold. I do have £ 40,000 in savings as well. Could I do a non lucrative visa application by combining the two ?

    Matthew from Brighton UK

    1. Hi Matthew. Yes, you can apply using a combination of income and savings. We’d suggest talking with Raquel and her team to ensure you structure the information in the best way possible. All the best, Alastair

  112. Hi

    I hope my NLV is issued in April so I can enter Spain after 5 July(tax!)

    While waiting can I enter Portugal for an holiday and return to U.K. before entering Spain to get the entry stamp on 5 July?


  113. Hello, Alistair. Thanks for the information you provide. Very helpful! I have a question about health care. We (my wife and I) are American citizens. I understand that we will need proof of health insurance for a year when applying for the NLV, right? At what point would we qualify for the Spanish public health system? I am concerned about being able to obtain private insurance at our age (close to 70) and the cost of that insurance.

  114. (*Submitted the same comment just now but it felt like didn’t go through. So this is 2nd try.)

    Thank you for the informative post, and elegant writing style, which makes it an enjoyable read. A few questions please:

    1) As a Canadian, some of my income comes from the US, which are pensions and stock dividends. The dividends are paid monthly or quarterly. I also have pension from Canada. There’re all small amounts but add up. I also have a saving account in the US. However, the sum of these passive income and saving account is not enough for NLV. But if I include my stock investment account balance, the total will be more than €60000. Will this be acceptable for the NLV application?

    2) I’m in British Columbia but I think Spanish embassy is on the other coast of Canada. How do I submit / pick up my NLV application / NLV visa?

    3) Are all documents required for renewal after the intial year the same as those for the 1st year? Especially renewal is for another 2 years, is the required financial amount remain 4x of IPREM?

    4) When apying for PR after 5 years, do I need to renew NLV for another 2 years to remain legal in Spain in order to apply for PR?

    5) Does your recommended lawyer partner fee include assistance with registering residency, residence permit, etc etc after arriving in Spain?

    6) Do I need a lawyer for each renewal?

    Thank you. Mike

    1. Hi Mike – first, please check out our sister site at – it has loads more information to make you move to Spain easier. All the best, Alastair

      1) Each consulate has some flexibility and they are looking at your ability to support yourself in Spain. Having the correct income amounts is the best option, having sufficient savings or a mix is next. As some of your savings are an investment this does make things more complex than having the amount in a bank account and makes your application more likely to be refused if you don’t present it it the best way.
      2) You’d submit your application at the Spanish Consulate in Vancouver.
      3) Yes and yes.
      4) No, you can apply for your PR and remain in Spain while the application is assessed.
      5) Our partner will give you a detailed quote which will include your residency card etc.
      6) You don’t need to use a lawyer for any part of the process, including the renewals – but we do recommend it as it makes success more likely and seriously lowers the frustration!

  115. Hi Alastair
    I have lived in Spain since 2015 and my wife and I have had a TIE since 2022. We are house owners and tax payers but do not work. |Does the rules of IPREM still apply to us when we come to renew or TIE in 3 years time? We were obviously financially stable in 2022 but the IPREM has increased more than our pensions. How do we stand on this?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Keith – the Spanish government can look at your overall financial position, so while being a homeowner doesn’t give you automatic rights, it makes sense that your financial requirements are lower than those of a renter. This is similar to meeting the requirements with savings rather than income. I always suggest those with any ambiguity meet with a quality Spanish immigration lawyer to ensure you don’t have any unpleasant surprises during your renewal process. All the best, Alastair

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